Sunday, October 12, 2008

On Thursday my boss took me out to eat. We went to a conveyor belt sushi place were the food circulates on a track in front of you. Typically the chefs are in the same room and prepare and place the small courses on plates which are pattern coded by price on the belt. While not really a "fish person" I've found sushi to be quite enjoyable, though I usually avoid stuff like unagi (eel) and unidentifiable squishy stuff. My boss, however, suggested we try something he eats "all the time" though I suspect he was trying to freak me out:

From BackPropagation

The soup is a very common dish here and is called mizo soup. I actually enjoy it almost every day in the cantina at work. There however, it is there usually served without the fish heads. Despite the somewhat intimidating appearance it was actually quite good.

BTW: I'm somewhat drunk at the moment, for reasons I will recount on another occasion. So please excuse the occasional typo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cod head, as fare I have been told, is excellent food, but hope you get some nice experience with sushi - started to make it again here